Success by professional medical simulation
Medical Simulation
Medical simulation as the highest level of training is becoming a standard training for physicians, nurses and paramedics worldwide. Although a lot of medical simulation centers are already operating with very sophisticated equipment, the overall success is often missing due to the lack of professional trainers. But only with these experts a realistic training with an excellent outcome will be guaranteed.

The main focus of these highly sophisticated trainings are crisis resource management (CRM) & team communication for medical staff and emergency units. Participants should already have succeeded in a basic and task training prior to attending medical simulation.

Realistic and well known conditions ensure trainings success in this team training and enable a conclusion for everyday medical situations. Non-technical skills (e.g. situational awareness, teamwork, leadership, stress behavior, team communication, etc.) are primarily focused with this training concept. Trainings are therefore always divided into 3 parts, briefing, training and debriefing.

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