Medical disaster relief management
Disaster Relief Operations
Medical disaster relief management differs significantly from ordinary (everyday) rescue operations. Special preparations and trainings have to be performed in advance. A detailed plan of standard operations procedures (SOPs) and a commanding structure has to be developed in order to secure professional rescue operations and avoid chaotic situations.
In most regions the average medical equipment used in everyday rescue services does not fulfill the requirements of a disaster relief operation. Therefore and only on the basis of a comprehensive analysis of the present situation and the risk for such incidents it might be necessary to invest into special equipment like disaster units, multi-stretcher vehicles, mobile command centers, etc. A profound corresponding training with these news materials will be needed, training each staff member individually how to handle the equipment and a large training exercise to check procedures learned and train cooperation.
MEDCOACH supports its clients not only in the overall concept and implementation but also in the necessary staff training and realistic scenario exercises. Clients will profit from MEDCOACH´s experience with major international events like Football World and Euro Championships and national disaster relief management concepts.

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