Rescue helicopters management
Flight Operations
According to the local needs and possibilities professional rescue operations should include rescue helicopters for severely injured patients. This guarantees a quick transfer of patients to specialized clinics regardless of heavy traffic and large distances.
Despite the undoubted advantage of helicopters the best equipment is useless, if you do not have ...
- intensively evaluated the proper hardware (helicopter, medical equipment, etc.).
- standard procedures for the operations performed by the helicopter crews.
- clear rules of alerting and communication.
- professional crews to operate the system correctly.

In some cases patients have to be evacuated secondarily to specialized centers in regard of their critical state of health or caused by the necessity for an extraordinary treatment. VIP´s tend to be evacuated according to their personal wish to clinics and physicians worldwide whom they trust.
Professional medical evacuations have to be well prepared. The market of medical evacuation jet providers has become in-transparent over the last years. Low cost providers endanger the quality of medical services on board and therefore directly the life and safety of the patients. Ambulance jet providers, crew and material have to be carefully selected and audited, alerting processes must be defined and standard operations be determined.
MEDCOACH assists in setting up and quality ensuring of flight operations, no matter if primary rescue operations are in the client´s focus or medical jet evacuations.

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